American Rescue Plan

NPR- 'We cannot afford inaction': Biden unveils $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief plan

The package inludes $1,400 direct stimulus checks, which would supplement the $600 checks Congress passed late last year.

stimulus checks, 可以理解为美国政府发给合资格(一定收入内)美国人的纾困支票。在investopedia里面有具体的解释和历史。


"It's not hard to see that we are in the middle of a once-in-several generations economic crisis, with a once-in-several generations public health crisis. A crisis of deep human suffering is in plain sight," Biden said.


Furthermore, Biden has proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, as well as providing billions for child care assistance, federal nutrition programs, rental assistance and tribal governments' pandemic response. 

注意一下拜登纾困方案里面的内容,其中有一个是“tribal governments' pandemic response”。这个tribal government是美国对于土族原住民的政府治理。在National Congress of American Indiansusa.gov里面有介绍。

Last update: 2021-01-15 15:16:38|Pageview:2