

Trump's call to Georgia election officials sparks debate over legality, ethics

It all comes down to this

20210106 美国当地时间是5日夜间:

Ahead of Georgia runoffs, Republicans needed to be united. Trump divided them

In his ongoing quest to overturn the November election, President Trump has demanded total loyalty of his fellow Republicans around the country, but nowhere more dramatically than Georgia - where the last thing Republicans needed was an intraparty fight heading into its competitive U.S. Senate runoffs on Tuesday.


在最近的数周内,该州的最高共和党官员们已经拒绝了特朗普有关推翻该州被认为是安全可信的选举结果的要求。在周末泄露的电话录音披露,佐治亚州州务卿Brad Raffenserger坚决拒绝了总统游说他“去寻找那11780张本该属于我们的选票,因为我们本来就应该赢得佐治亚州”,并且“重新计算”选票来支撑他。

In recent weeks, the president has taken to regularly berating officials - including Raffensperger - on Twitter, encouraging a 2022 primary challenge to former close ally Gov. Brain Kemp, and last week in calling for Kemp to resign. It all begs the larger question of how this destabilization could affect Republicans' chances in the newly minted battlegroud state.

在最近的数周内,总统不断的斥责官员,包括Raffensperger,在推特里,特朗普还鼓励他前亲密盟友佐治亚州州长Brian Kemp参加2022年州长选举(Kemp2019年当选州长,美国州长一般任期4年,也就是2022年开始竞选,这个翻译有疑问?),但是上周就呼吁Kemp辞职。这些不寻常而多变的言行对本来就选战激烈的州来说是一个大的挑战。(?)

Last update: 2021-01-06 10:51:23|Pageview:12