Alibaba under probe

China Daily - Alibaba under probe for alleged monopoly conduct

今天的CD网站头版的新闻是有关阿里的垄断调查。“...the latest move to curtail antitrust practices ...”,这个表述有疑惑:curtail是限制遏制。红色文字翻译是“遏制反垄断行为”。按理应该是“遏制垄断行为”吧?!正文里面:the latest move to strengthen antitrust practices ..., 翻译过来是是“加强反垄断做法的最新举措”,这个意思就可以理解了。以为正文里面用了strengthen,而不是在头版用的curtail,意思是相反的。

Authorites aim to better regulate online economy, guide its healthy development | authorites 在百度翻译放在这句话翻译,是“有关部门”,谷歌是“当局”。百度的翻译更加贴近中国的习惯说法。

probe:under probeAnti-monopoly probe launched against AlibabaChinese authorities have officially opened an anti-monopoly probe into e-commerce giant Alibaba Group...

Last update: 2020-12-25 10:55:19|Pageview:3