





Trump warns 'One of the toughest weeks' is ahead, says to brace for 'a lot of Death' (NPR) 在周六的白宫新冠疫情特别小组通报会(a briefing of the White House coronavirus task force),特朗普说:“There's going to be a lot of death, unfortunately. There will be a lot of deaths.”

记者问美国“李兰娟” Deborah Birx博士(白宫行动协调人 White House coronavirus response coordinator)什么时候是达到最严重的时期。她提到了美国三个热点城市:Detroit, Louisiana 和 New York,这三个城市的死亡人数曲线还在上升,但是官员预测在未来6-7天可以达到顶峰。

总统还说美军将派遣1000人,包括医生、护士、呼吸专家(respiratory experts)等去本次美国疫情爆发的中心(epicenter)——纽约。He also touted efforts to assist in building makeshift hospitals there. tout,有吹嘘的意思。

在如今情况下(at least 7,100 Americans have already died in the ourbreak. Nationwide, more than 278,000 cases have been confirmed, more thanany other country.), 特总还是坚持:抓紧时间推出治疗药物以及国家应该尽快重新开放("the cure could not be worse than the virus" and that the country should re-open soon.)。He resisted calls for a nationwide lockdown and expressed his disappointment that he'd be watching Easter services (复活节仪式,今年是4月12日)from a laptop. 即使是social distancing“保持社交距离”这个安排也是他在特定时间的艰难决定:"At a certain point," "some hard decisions are going to have to be made" regarding social distancing guidelines currently in place for most of the country.

不过特总的言论remarks与特别行动小组的成员Fauci是对立的。Fauci(传说)强调了social distancing在减缓病毒传播的重要性:"Let's take this to the bank, that mitigtion works"。而美国李兰娟Birx也是强调的是大家不要去商店、药店,保持距离、洗手: "The next two weeks are axtraordinarily important"、"This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and your friends safe and that means everybody doing the six-feet distancing, washing their hands " 。注意,他们其实都没有强调戴口罩

可能是因为太多感染了,特朗普又在重新推荐使用hydroxychloroquine羟氯喹(羟[qiǎng]喹[kuí]),a drug used to treat lupus and prevent malaria (本来是治疗狼疮和预防疟疾的药)。但是该药仅在试验测试阶段,没有solid evidence有实际治疗效果。而且medical experts warn that using it for that purpose (for the coronavirus) could exhaust supplies for those who need it,就是说如果用了该药反而会影响对原本需要的人。

特总还take aim at(强烈抨击)那些要求医疗装备器材(most notably, ventilators 呼吸机)的州长们,不点名的说他们play politics,说他们担心缺少设备也给其它洲带来缺资源的恐慌。特总在会上说,一些暂时不需要呼吸机的州,应该交出来,我们把这些设备给需要的州。

周六的抗疫通报会还有一个重点就是医疗补助的问题。周五政府已经计划给那些救治没有医疗保险的别人新冠病人的医院。That had been a key question throughout the week, as concerns over how people who have neither private insurance nor qualify for Medicaid will pay for treatment or testing. 财政部长Steven Mnuchin誓言在两周内直接支付给美国人,比原来计划的还要早一个星期。由于从一份民主党主导的众议院的一份备忘录来看,可能需要20 weeks时间支付费用。周五晚上,特总还任命Brian Miller为overseer(督察)监督联邦万亿美元的抗疫经费的使用。

周五还有一个重要的调整:The CDC suggests people wear cloth or fabric face coverings when in public to help prevent spreading of the virus, particularly by asymptomatic(无症状) people. 这个新的guideline指引不是很详细,也不是强制性的(NPR)。特总自己就说不戴口罩: Trump has emphasized that this is a voluntary measure. He said he dosen't expect to wear a face mask himself. 新的指引只是建议人们用衣物布料来遮盖,就是死都不说戴口罩!也理解会引起“口罩慌”,但是那些cloth or fabric face coverings 怎么比得上masks呢?!


1、Donald Trump . Leading the federal response to the pandemic Trump restricted travel from China and declared the coronavirus a public health emergency in January. Eearly on Trump doenplayed the threat of the virus, claiming the deida and Democrats were trying to use it for political gain. Shifting his tone as the number of U.S. cases climbed, Trump cut off travle from Europe, Canada and Mexico, and issued 15-day guidance to slow the spread, in part by staying 6 feet away from people and avoiding gatherings.

2. Mike Pence
Vice President, Leading the White House's coronavirus task force
Pence makes near-daily appearances in the White House briefing room to provide updates on the response.
He speaks with governors and other stakeholders to coordinate response strategies.
Pence initially pledged that Americans who wated to be tested would soon be able to do so, but he had to rein in his promise because of shortages.
Pence took a coronavirus test after an aide tested positive (Pence tested negative).

3. Alex Azar
Secretary of Health and Human Services, Member of the White House's coronavirus task force

4. Dr. Anthony Fauci
Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Member of the White House's coronavirus task force

5. Dr. Deborah Birx
Coronavirus task force coodinator, HIV/AIDS researcher and U.S. public health ambassador

6. Dr. Brett Giroir
U.S. assistant secretary for health, Leading oversight of testing efforts

7. Pete Gaynor
Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Leading disaster response with state and local governments

8. Dr. Robert Redfield
Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Member of the White House's coronavirus task force

9. Dr. Stephen Hahn
Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, Leading development of vaccine and treatment options

10. Dr. Jerome Adams
U.S. surgeon general, Member of the White House's coronavirus task force

11. Chad Wolf
Acting secretary of Homeland Security, Leading efforts to restrict international travel

'This is a big deal',纽约州州长之前向从联邦政府要1.7万台呼吸机救命。不过"that order never came through"。

不过NPR报道: So in times of desperation, Cuomo said New Youk is getting help from some rather distant partnres: Oregon, which is making an unsolicited donation of 140 ventilators to the state, and the Chinese government, which facilitated a delivery of 1,000 ventilators arriving Saturday in New York City.

今天看了一些这位Cuomo州长相关的新闻:他的弟弟Chris Cuomo做CNN的直播,介绍他还新冠肺炎在家的情况,之前就看到他做主持人和他的各个Andrew Cuomo掐架,甚至比谁更加得到妈妈的宠爱......原来他们的父亲更是一位民主党名人:Mario Matthew Cuomo served as the 52nd Governor of New York for three terms, from 1983 to 1994, Lieutenant Governor of New York from 1979 to 1982, and Secretary of State of New York from 1975 to 1978. 他们的父亲曾经做过纽约州的州务卿、纽约州副州长、三届11年的纽约州州长。不过就在Andrew第二次宣誓任纽约州州后的几个小时,82岁的老Cuomo逝世。2019年1月1日,Andrew宣誓就任第三任纽约州州长。也就是说两父子都做了三届纽约州州长。Andrew Cuomo的前妻是肯尼迪总统的侄女。Andrew的父亲曾经参选总统,不知道他复制了父亲的三任州长后,会不会在突破他父亲的经历就任总统呢?



还在加单!法国已从中国订购近20亿个口罩,累计确诊病例超中国 (正文里面却是:据法国媒体28日援引法国卫生部的消息,为解决法国口罩短缺的情况,法国卫生部已向中国订购总共10亿只口罩。
法国已从中国订购近20亿个口罩 够了么?法国情况多严重?_苏州都市网
法国卫生部长:在中国订购口罩接近20亿个 还在继续增加订单



好不容易才查到Frech24的一篇报道说:French government orders ‘250 million masks’ against coronavirus 。但是通篇没有说都是从中国买的。报道是3月21日,而且数量是2.5亿个,与20亿个(2 trillion)

Last update: 2020-04-11|Pageview:219
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