2023年1月23日,NOAA的官网上有一篇介绍GOES-U卫星运达佛罗里达准备春季发射的报道(另见 GOES-U的发射之路)。



运送卫星可不是一件简单的事情(is no small feat)。GOES-U体积和一辆小型小巴差不多,重量超过六千磅(约2722公斤)!

GOES-U由位于美国中西部的科罗拉多州利特尔顿(Littleton)的洛克希德马丁航天公司实验室工厂建造,并由一个特制的货柜箱保护其敏感的仪器和充当“移动洁净室”运输。该货柜箱先是运到了科罗拉多州奥罗拉的巴克利空军基地(Buckley Air/Space Force Base),然后再由C-5“银河”战略运输机(C-5M Super Galaxy cargo)运送。C-5是世界上最大的军用飞机之一,由洛克希德马丁公司维护和升级。 GOES-U被送达肯尼迪NASA的发射着陆场(Launch and Landing Facility ,LLF)。

然后再送到位于附近泰特斯维尔(Titusville)的Astrotech Space Operations公司(洛马公司在佛州的全资子公司,负责发射服务工作)进行电路测试做发射前的准备 。

GOES-U计划不早于2024年4约30日用Space X的重型猎鹰号(SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket)发射。

GOES-U departs Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Littleton, Colorado on Jan. 22, 2024, encased in its special shipping container onboard an 18-wheeler. It will be driven to Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora to meet its ride to Florida. Credit: NASA/Elizabeth Wilk

After a careful ride on a truck from Lockheed Martin, crews prepare to load GOES-U into a U.S. Air Force C-5 Super Galaxy aircraft at Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora on Jan. 22, 2024. Credit: NASA/Elizabeth Wilk

The truck towing GOES-U carefully backs it into the belly of the U.S. Air Force C-5 Super Galaxy transport at Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora on Jan. 22, 2024. The satellite will then be flown to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: NASA/Elizabeth Wilk

GOES-T’s shipping container is opened at Astrotech Space Operations. Photo credit: NASA

After arriving at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Jan. 23, 2024, technicians slowly bring GOES-U off the aircraft for a short drive to Astrotech Space Operations in Titusville. Credit: NASA/Elizabeth Wilk

GOES-U到达Astrotech's Payload Processing Facility:
After arrival at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Jan. 23, 2024, NOAA's GOES-U satellite was transported to Astrotech Space Operations in Titusville, Florida. On Jan. 24, GOES-U was carefully removed from its shipping container, inspected, rotated, and placed onto a test stand to begin pre-launch processing. Credit: NASA/Elizabeth Wilk

Technicians take a first look at GOES-U once the cover of its shipping container has been removed. Credit: NASA/Elizabeth Wilk

Technicians set GOES-U's chassis up on a stand within the clean room at Astrotech Space Operations' payload processing facility. Credit: NASA/Elizabeth Wilk

Last update: 2024-02-09|Pageview:97
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