
彭斯不戴口罩。NPR|Leaving off mask at Mayo Clinic, Pence said he wanted to look workers 'In the eye',他想从眼里看到医务工作者?

在NPR另外一篇报道The U.S. hists 1 million coronavirus cases, one-third of all the world's cases,彭斯解释他为什么不戴口罩:Pence said he went without the mask because he is tested regularly as is everyone around him, and that he wanted to be able to look health care workers "in the eye." (Of course, you can look people in the eye while wearing a mask.) 彭斯的解释有点不合逻辑了,戴了口罩就不能从眼睛看了?

Last update: 2020-04-30|Pageview:1
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