Jinxiu Plan


Chinadaily 的生活版:Patterns of success 介绍了贵州“锦绣计划”在疫情下的状态。贵州的锦绣计划于2013年启动,组织成立了1000多家妇女特色手工企业和合作社(more than 1,000 handicraft enterprises and professional cooperatives),培修绣娘6.5万人次,目的是推动妇女手工产业脱贫致富。据说已经解决了大概50万名妇女(around half a million women)就业,和建立起了60亿元的产业。贵州有妇女2000万人,其中农村妇女占65%。

The rich culture of ethnic groups in China (感觉用Guizhou更加合适), including embroidery and batik techiniques they have learned since childhood, is now a ticket out of poverty for those housewhives, and even the coronavirus outbreak can't stop them from earning a better living. 刺绣和蜡印是当地的特色民间工艺,苗绣、马尾绣、蜡染被列为国家非物质文化遗产。


新冠疫情对贵州的刺绣产业有较大影响,特别是制衣厂这个重要的大客户的停摆。Many garment factories, which used to be our big clients, are still temporarily shut down. 所以当地的绣娘开始使用直播livestreams来直播刺绣制作过程、与客户沟通。足不出门,也可以做生意了。

As we can now support the family while doing embroidery at home, with the baby sleeping in the back and the elders by our side, we no longer have to make  a living elsewhere, and the number of 'left-behind' children and 'empty nesters' is going down. We will conquer any challenge together, even the virus outbreak. 贵州的锦绣产业的开展也让妇女可以留在家里照顾老人和小孩,也就减少了留守儿童和空巢老人,也是社会稳定发展的需要。当然了,由于出来打工的人少了,再加上近年来的雪灾疫情,也会让出来打工的意愿降低,广东江浙的工人数量也必定减少,机器人生产必将成为趋势。

中国功夫可以帮古巴人deal with COVID-19 lock down? Chinese martial arts help Cubans deal with COVID-19 lockdown.

采访一位古巴校长说:Chinese martial arts are never forgotten. They allow people to remain in harmony with nature and take care of their bodies while strengthening their minds.  The world needs the spirit of Chinese martial arts to find balance.

一位医生兼新闻主播说,Chinese martial arts are more than sports. They are, above all, related to a philosophy of life that has been passed down throughout histroy.

NPR CDC Houpital Data Point To Racial Disparity In COVID-19 Cases 3位因新冠肺炎住院的人中有1位是美国黑人。According the hospital data from the first month of the U.S. epidemic released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Even though 33% of those hospitalized patients were black, Afican Americans constitute 13% of the U.S. population. By contrast, the report found that 45% of hospitalizations were among white people, who make up 76% percent of the population. And 8% of hospitalizations were among Hispanics, who make up 18% of the population. 看来美国人种组成是:白人占76%,西班牙裔18%,黑人13%。难怪看之前CDC发布的新冠防御指引,就有英语和西班牙语两个版本。CDC是根据14个州的三月份内的住院病人数据统计,例如按照人种Race,From 580 patients,白人White:45.0%, Black:33.1%, Hispanic:8.1%, Asian:5.5%, American Indian/Alaskan Native:0.3%, Other:7.9%。按照性别Gender,From 1,482 patients,男性Male:54.4%,女性:45.6%;按照健康程度:有1个或以上健康问题的89.3%,没有None的才10.7%。

Last update: 2020-04-11|Pageview:214
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