
NPR | Turkey Imposes 48-Hour Coronavirus Curfew In Major Cities With Little Warning

土耳其宣布自周六凌晨12点开始48-hour curfew(48小时宵禁,不是很明白。宵禁一般理解为晚上执行),所以导致民众急着去买东西:

People crowd a convenience store in central Isanbul to buy last-minute groceries, after Turkish authorities announced a weekend curfew just hours before it took effect overnight Friday.


这次土耳其政府的宵禁令覆盖了全国81个省(province)中的31个,当然就包括了主要的人口中心:Istanbul and Ankara。之前的宵禁,只是针对超过60岁和不满20岁的人群。现在执行更加严格的禁令,对于应对越来越严峻的疫情还是受到普遍欢迎的。根据Johns Hopkins University的数据,土耳其已经确诊52167例,死亡1101例(4/12/2020/10:27:36上午北京时间,NPR原文说是as of Saturday morning ET, Turkey had reported more than 47,000 confirmed cases and upward of 1,000 deaths。似乎大概一天又上升了几千列确诊了),按照确诊病例数量来说,Turkey位列全球第9位,紧跟前面一位的伊朗的70029例。On Friday, Turkish authorites announced that at least 98 patients had died in a 24-hour span.

不过禁令可能来得有点突然:But some local leaders took issue with the suddenness of the curfew announcement. Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu said that his government, at least, received no advance warning of the curfew before the announcement came dowm: "Any decision made without cooperation only create confusion and panic," the mayor said Friday.

虽然官员也告诉居民不要惊慌,要注意社交距离("without panicking" and to "avoid behavior that will lead to a decrease in social distance")。不过意义不大,在社交媒体上已经出现了大量居民抢购物品的照片了。

美国的总统和州长是每天开新闻发布会(daily news briefing)通报疫情措施、回答记者提问,起码特总和Cuomo是这样的。

New York is flattening the curve, but the sate still lost 783 lives over the last 24 hours, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at his daily news briefing on Saturday. That marks the fifth straight day of more than 700 deaths per day.

"These are just incredible numbers, depicting incredible loss and pain", Cuomo said. In total, as of early Saturday, the coronavirus has taken more than 8,600 lives in New York, Cuomo said. The state continues to have, by far, the highest COVID-19 death count in the United States - about four times more than the next hardest hit state, New Jersey.

查看Johns Hopkins U.的网站,显示有关New York州的数据是按照地区来分的,比较细:

6,367 deaths New York City New York US
792 deaths Nassau New York US
461 deaths Westchester New York US
458 deaths Suffolk New York US
200 deaths Rockland New York US
145 deaths Orange New York US
57 deaths Erie New York US
40 deaths Monroe New York US

合计是8520例。与文中的more than 8,600 lives是有差别的?查了一下,纽约州包括了62个县(Counties),而Johns Hopkins U. 显示的只是其中的8个地区的记录,应该是偏少了一些的。通过一些还可以访问的地图服务(Mapquest | OpenStreetMap)了解一下美国的行政区划。

The United States of America, commonly known as the United States or America, is a federal republic complosed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. 美国有50个州,1个特区,和5个海外领地。

美国一级行政区有50个州,和华盛顿特区(Washington D.C.,注意全程是华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,D.C.是District of Columbia)。美国国旗星条旗上的13道红白宽条,代表最早发动独立战争并取得胜利(还有失败的吗?)的13个州。

在最东北是新英格兰地区的6个州:缅因州Main、佛蒙特州Vermont、新罕布什尔州New Hampshire、马赛诸塞州(麻省)Massachusetts、罗德岛州Rhode Island、康涅狄格州(康州)Connecticut。麻省的首府波士顿是该地区的最大城市;罗德岛是全美面积最小,名字最长的州:The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations,罗德岛与普罗维登斯庄园州。Rhode的发音与Road相同;康州在新英格兰地区最偏南,是美国人均收入最高的州,境内有著名的耶鲁大学。

新英格兰地区往南就是两个New:New York 纽约州、New Jersey 新泽西州了。

再南就是宾州,宾夕法尼亚州,Pennsylvania,全称有点特别:Commonwealth of Pennsylvania。该州首府位于哈里斯堡Harrisburg,最大的城市就是费城Philadelphia(独立宣言签订的地方)。宾州是加入联邦的第二个州(第一个是特拉华州Delaware),美国历史上很多重要的篇章都在该州谱写,地理上也位于原来建国13州的正中(南北各6个州),故有“拱顶之州”(Keystone State,拱顶石州、拱心之州、里程碑州等)。


今天从University of Minnesota的公开课学习资料网站下载了一本有关美国历史pdf文档:U.S. History。还找到了一些介绍美国历史网址:Infoplease | | |

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