Fire Fauci

这两天的热点有一个是Fire Fauce? 美国有传要解雇美国“钟南山”福奇。CNN的两篇文章也都报道和评论(Trump retweets call to fire Fauce amid cononavirus criticism | Opinion: Fire Fauci? What a disaster that would be for Trump and US)。不过在美国东部时间的周一晚上的新闻简报会上,NPR报道 Trump and Fauci Seek to Present United Front at Coronavirus Briefing ,Fauci和特总又站在了统一战线上了。周末,两人都分别显露出了不和谐的信号:福奇参加CNN周日的节目时表达了政府应该早点采取行动会避免如此多人的病亡;而特总转发了一条“是时候要解雇福奇了”的推特。


"Obviously, you could logically say that  if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives," 福奇已经用了logically来回应主持人“如果早点采取措施会不会死少点人”的假设了。不过这个回答已经会有:seaming to criticize the Trump administration's early efforts to slow the spread of the virus.

接着周日当天晚上,特总就转发retweeted了一条支持者的推特"Time to #FireFauci."。似乎两人是在针锋相对。

不过周一一早,白宫发声说,Fauci called his Sunday remarks "a poor choice of words," and Trump said he'd had no intention of removing the doctor from his task force.

虽然在复活节假期统计的死亡人数已经全球最多,周一的简报会期间还有几次冲突(In the at-times contentious briefing ),不过特总还用精选宣传风格的宣传视频(a campaign-style video of flattering media clips)来为自己辩护。除此之外,他还不忘要计划成立一个委员会a council 来尽快重启国家("reopening" the country soon)。虽然纽约州和加州的两位州长联合决绝因为政治原因而急于重启,不过特总说他有权利:

"The president of the United States has the authority to do what the president has the authority to to, whichi is very poerful," " The president of the United States calls the shots."


Chinadaily | A six-engine An-225 , the world's largest cargo aircraft , departed Tianjin Biinhai International Airport for Poland on Monday with 81.3 metric tons of medical supplies made in China to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic.



El Mundo | El FMI prevé que la economía española caiga este año más que en toda la crisis de 2008 a 2013

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