
CNN | One of the largest pork processing facilities in the US is closing until further notice

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said during a Saturday news briefing that Smithfield employees accounted for more than half of the active coronavirus cases in the state. About 240 emplyyees are sick, she said, out of roughly 430 active cases in the state. Because of that, she and the mayor of Sioux Falls recommended that Smithfield suspend operations for at least two weeks.


南达科多州位于美国中西部,当地出名的景点:恶地公园 BadLands National Park、拉什莫尔山国家纪念公园 Mount Rushmore National Memorial,也就是俗称的“总统山”,公园内四座高达60英尺(18.3米)高的被誉为代表了建国150年来历史的美国前总统头像:华盛顿、杰斐逊、老罗斯福、林肯。

美国中部的三个州:N.D. 、S.D. 、NEBR.,即北达科塔州、南达科他州、内布拉斯加州Nebraska。




网上太多断章取义、蓄意引导的文字了。今天得到各大媒体(凤凰网、腾讯新闻手机端)都在转发海外网(人民日报海外版官网)的翻译“原创”CNN长文分析:美国死亡病例数全球第一 特朗普为何甩锅世卫组织和中国 (海外网>原创>)。原文是CNN的Why the US has the world's highest number of Covid-19 deaths ,该文不是CNN自己的作品,而是类似特邀作者评论文章。所以原文的之前有一段“编者按”Editor's Note: Jefferey Sachs is a professor and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University. The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author; CNN是明确说明该文的观点属于作者个人,并不代表CNN的立场观点。不过由于的却是在CNN发表了,所以就被说成是CNN的了,这点其实人家的界限是很清楚,CNN只不过是发表一些个人观点的平台。另外,这篇评论也不算“长文”吧。

President Donald Trump has failed. 这句话,应该是本文的核心论点了。The US still lacks even a basic plan for controlling the epidemic and restarting the economy. 作者认为美国甚至没有基本的计划来控制疫情和重启经济,并且列出来一些具体的数字来说明为什么特总has failed:

less than 1 death per million: HongKong, Japan, Taiwan
under 5 deaths per million: China, South Korea, Singapore

还举了一个极端的例子:当全国13亿人口里面才只有10例死亡的时候,印度在3月24日就开始实施全国封锁隔离(a complete national lockdown)。到了今天,印度全国也只有289例死亡,也就是每百万人0.2例死亡(译文中未纳入)。


Trump was certainly not alone. Many European countries also failed to act in a timely way and some have death rates per million that are even higher than in the US. 特别提到了美国的小兄弟英国和巴西,英国首相犹豫不决导致自己也进ICU、巴西总统拒绝承认疫情在加重。

特总习惯性的将自己的错误推卸给了别人:As usual, he blames others for his own disastrous failings. 他的目标最新的是世卫组织,不过他之前可不是这样的:

特总在2月24日还称赞美国的CDC和世卫组织合作紧密和行动有效。但是面临美国现在的惨状,就说世卫组织是错误的。同样,在1月份的时候,特总还不断的repeatedly praised 称赞中国,但是如今就反转拿中国说事,说中国的数字有问题、没有控制好导致病毒泛滥全世界。不过作者还算很清楚的(Yet the record is clear):

China got the epidemic under control while the US did not.
China implemented a strict national lockdown while the US did not.
China deployed its top technologists and companies to do the job.
The director of the China Center for Disease Control personally called the director of the US Centers for Disease Control on January 3. (译文中未纳入)

Unlike China, which turned to its public health experts, Trump turned to Vice President Mike Pence and son-in-law Jared Kushner.


We are at the end of the "Wizard of OZ" tale. The curtain has been pushed aside to reveal the con man behind the curtain. Our chioice is like Doroth's : to go home to the country of competence we once knew, or to remain in the deadly dream kingdom of Trump.




Last update: 2020-04-13|Pageview:276
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