
NOAA’s GOES-18 launched on March 1, 2022, from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. GOES-18 is the third satellite in the GOES-R Series, the Western Hemisphere’s most advanced weather-observing and environmental-monitoring system.

As our sentinels in the sky, NOAA’s GOES satellites help protect the one billion people who live and work in the Americas. Data from GOES-18 helps meteorologists see the big picture as well as read the fine print, providing critical real-time information before, during and after severe weather and disasters strike.

GOES-18 provides advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements, real-time mapping of lightning activity, and monitoring of space weather.
(Resorces | Transition to Operations |)

GOES-T Completes Solar Array Deployment (NOAA Satellites Flickr

GOES-T Undergoes Electromagnetic Testing(NOAA Satellites Flickr

Lifting GOES-T to Thermal Vacuum Chamber(NOAA Satellites Flickr

GOES-T Lifted to Thermal Vaccum Chamber(NOAA Satellites Flickr

GOES-T Lowered into Thermal Vacuum Chamber (NOAA Satellites Flickr

GOES-T SUVI and EXIS Instruments Integrated with Spacecraft(NOAA Satellites Flickr

Last update: 2024-02-09|Pageview:98
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