
福島第一原発の汚染処理水 政府が海洋放出の方針決定 漁業者「絶対反対」の声ある中、2023年にも放出開始 (tokyo-np

「トリチウム」がゆるキャラに? 復興庁「親しみやすいように」原発汚染処理水の安全PR


Japan To Dump Wastewater From Wrecked Fukushima Nuclear Plant Into Pacific Ocean

Government of Japan’s Announcement on Fukushima Treated Water Release Decision

The Government of Japan (GOJ), in close coordination with the International Atomic Energy Agency, has taken measures to manage the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in March 2011, including radiation monitoring, remediation, waste management, and decommissioning. The GOJ announced its decision on the Basic Policy on Handling of the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) Treated Water to dispose of the treated water by discharging it into the sea.

The United States is aware that the GOJ examined several options related to the management of the treated water currently being stored onsite at the Fukushima Daiichi site. In this unique and challenging situation, Japan has weighed the options and effects, has been transparent about its decision, and appears to have adopted an approach in accordance with globally accepted nuclear safety standards. We look forward to the GOJ’s continued coordination and communication as it monitors the effectiveness of this approach.

Last update: 2021-04-13|Pageview:7
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