

Chinadaily | Xi vows to back nations' virus fight Interaction shows how 'community of a shared future for mankind ' seen in deeds

人类命运共同体,community of a shared future for mankind。President Xi Jinping made the pledge in his latest diplomatic interactions with his Venezuelan, Mexican and Argentine counterparts.

NPR | White House Attacks Voice Of America Over China Coronavirus Coverage

NPR | Coronavirus Pandemic Brings Hundreds Of U.S. Clinical Trials To A Halt

NPR has identified 440 studies that have been suspended since March 1 because of the outbreak. About a quarter of the studies put on hold were for cancer treatment. The studies involved as many as 200,000 people, though it's hard to know precisely how many were active in the studies at the time they were halted.

Last update: 2020-04-11|Pageview:228
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