
Storm是暴风雨的意思,不过今天被用来形容特朗普的支持者冲击国会山的行为:Supporters of President Trump stormed a session of Congress earlier Wednesday.

Kelly Loeffler reverses on objection to certification of electors 刚刚败选的佐治亚州参议院Kelly Loeffler在国会发言改变原来反对选举人票选结果的意见。Loeffler的老公(spouse)是纽约证券交易所的主席。最近纽交所要“下架”中国三大运营商的股票(ADR)。

"The United States Senate will not be intimidated," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said as he returned to the Senate floor earlier in the evening. "We will not be kept out of this chamber by thugs, mobs or threats. We will not bow to lawlessness or intimidation. We are back at our posts. We will discharge our duty under the Constitution and for our nation. And we're going to do it tonight."

As rioters - waving Trump, Confederate and Nazi flags - stormed the building and vandalized property, the scene devolved into unprecedented chaos. One person was shot and killed during the commotion.

Storming the Capitol didn't change the election, some Trump backers realize

«Le Congrès ne se laissera pas intimider», assure le chef de la majorité au Sénat, Mitch McConnell
