

贾科莫·普契尼(意大利语:Giacomo Puccini,全名Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo María Puccini,1858年12月22日-1924年11月29日),意大利歌剧作曲家,代表作有《波希米亚人》、《托斯卡》与《蝴蝶夫人》等歌剧,也是世界上最常演出的歌剧之一。

How to Learn Italian

Ciao! If you're interested in learning Italian, you likely began with a textbook or mobile app. These are great ways to get started, but can become tedious after awhile. If you don't enjoy learning a language, your lessons can become a chore. By reading, writing, and listening to Iatlian, you can become muchu more proficient without expending much effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't understand everything when you first start - with time and patience, you'll start to feel comfortable in the language.

Method 1 Reading in Italian

1 Start with childrend's books to learn basic Italian.

Children's book are designed to teach children how to read and expose them to new vocabulary. This can work for you as well, especially if you're just beginning to learn Italian.

The Rosetta Project has a number of children's books in Italian available to download for free at ChildrensBooksOnline. Just scroll down to the "Italiano" seciton and click on titles that interest you.

There are more Italian children's stroies available at theItalianExperiment. These are fairy tales and fables translated into Italian, so you'll likely already be familiar with the story.

2 Advance to short stories.

Once you've progressed through children's books, you may decide that you're ready to move on to materail in Italian that is meant for adult readers. To figure out if you can read the story with minimal frsutration, read the first page as quickly as you can. If you could understand at least 10 percent of the first page, it will be a good story to build your reading sills.

You can find a number of short stories by both famous authors and amateurs at PoesieRacconti. Asimilar site, ReportOnline, offers short stroies by well-known and emerging Italian authors, as well as amateur users of the site.

You can also find books of short stories written in Italian. If you don't have a large budget, look in the foreign language seciton of libraries and used bookstores. If there's a college or university near you that has an Italian department, there may be books in the university library as well.

3 Follow current events in Italian newspapers.

Depending on the subject matter of the article, some newspapers can be quite challenging to read. However, if you have a basic understanding of the event being discussed, you can figure out words from context. Most of the major Italian newspapers are available online for free.

Newspapers also help you stay up to date on matters of importance to Italians. You can also read articles about Italian holidays, cultural events, society, and life.

An annotated list of major Italian newspapers, with links to  their websites, can be found at

4 Keep a dictionary nearby to look up words you don't know.

Highlight words you don't know, and then come back to them and look them up in the dictionary. Ocnce you have an understading of the word, reread the passage.

There is a free Italian-English dictionary availabel at CollinsDictionary.

It's usually best to read 2 to 3 pages at a time, then look up words, so you can try to get as much understanding as you can out of the story. You'll have difficulty making sense of the story if you stop every few words to look something up.

You might also make flash cards with the words you don't know, so you can continue to practice them each day to improve your vocabulary.

5 Cook a meal from an Italian cookbook.

6 Immerse yourself in a novel.


Yahoo | LEBERO | Corriere

Definite Articles (ThoughtCo. | fluentsimple | Collins | One World | WoodWardItalian | ItalianLanguageGuide)


di (ThoughtCo. | Collins | )

how to type: typeit | ThoughtCo. | fontmeme
